Assessing the spatial and temporal distribution of Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

In this project, we investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) outbreaks in the state of Minnesota, US. We estimated the probability of outbreaks occurring at a given point in space (associated with a specific latitude and longitude) and time (measured as weeks). We found that PRRS incidence significantly decreased over time; however, we observed a significant Spatio-temporal correlation of PRRS incidence over 3-wks and 3-km during the entire study period.

In this tridimensional animation, we can observe in time and space the occurrence of PRRS outbreaks. By rotating the axes, we can see either the isolated spatial or temporal disease distribution.

👉 see related article here

Pablo Valdes Donoso, DVM MPVM MS PhD
Pablo Valdes Donoso, DVM MPVM MS PhD
Assistant Professor of AI in Veterinary Medicine

My research interests include using different data sources to address issues regarding health and economics in food production.